SSH For Dummies
A guide, I wish I had, when I started learning SSH.
SSH, or Secure Shell, is a remote administration protocol that allows users to control and modify their remote servers over the Internet. It uses cryptographic techniques to ensure that all communication to and from the remote server happens in an encrypted manner. It provides a mechanism for authenticating a remote user, transferring inputs from the client to the host, and relaying the output back to the client.It uses port 22 and communicate over TCP protocol.
The SSH command consists of 3 distinct parts:
ssh {user}@{host}
represents the account you want to access.
refers to the computer you want to access. This can be an IP Address or a domain name
ssh ubuntu@x.x.x.x or ssh
SSH protocol uses symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption and hashing in order to secure transmission of information. The SSH connection between the client and the server happens in three stages:
- Verification of the server by the client.
- Generation of a session key to encrypt all the communication.
- Authentication of the client.
Verification of the server by the client
Server authentication is a process that allows client applications to validate a server’s identity. If the server fails the SSH host key authentication process, then it’s possible that the server’s host key was simply changed by the admin which is basically not a big problem. However, it could also mean that someone has carried out a spoofing or man-in-the-middle attack and, therefore, the client is likely on the verge of connecting to a malicious server. Now, that is a serious problem ! .
If a user unknowingly logs in to a malicious server, who ever has control of that server could easily acquire that user’s login credentials and then use those credentials to gain access to the legitimate server. Secondly, if the unwitting user uploads files to the malicious server, those files will surely fall into the wrong hands. Lastly, if a user downloads files from the server, that user could end up downloading malware.
Server authentication helps prevent these from happening because if the authentication process fails, the client will be given an appropriate warning.
In order to perform ssh authentification. We’ve two important files : known-hosts
and authorized_keys
Generation of a session key to encrypt all the communication
After the server is verified, both the parties negotiate a session key using a version of something called the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. This algorithm is designed in such a way that both the parties contribute equally in generation of session key. The generated session key is shared symmetric key i.e. the same key is used for encryption and decryption
Authentication of the client
The final stage involves authentication of the client. Authentication is done using SSH key pair. As the name suggests, SSH key pair is nothing but a pair of two key to serve two different purposes. One is public key that is used to encrypt data and can be freely shared. The other one is private key that is used to decrypt data and is never shared with anyone.
After symmetric encryption has been established, the authentication of the client happens as follows:
- The client begins by sending an ID for the key pair it would like to authenticate with to the server.
- The server checks the
file of the account that the client is attempting to log into for the key ID. - If a public key with matching ID is found in the file, the server generates a random number and uses the public key to encrypt the number and sends this encrypted message.
- If the client has the correct private key, it will decrypt the message to obtain the random number that was generated by the server.
- The client combines the obtained random number with the shared session key and calculates the MD5 hash of this value.
- The client then sends this MD5 hash back to the server as an answer to the encrypted number message.
- The server uses the same shared session key and the original number that it sent to the client to calculate the MD5 value on its own. It compares its own calculation to the one that the client sent back. If these two values match, it proves that the client was in possession of the private key and the client is authenticated.
Asymmetry of the keys allows authentication of the client because client can only decrypt the messages if it has the correct associated private key.
Required SSH Files
Authorized keys file
In order to allow a user to access the remote server, we will need to upload his public key to the remote server. To set up SSH key authentication, add the user’s public key to a new line inside the server’s authorized_keys file
. This file is stored inside a directory named .ssh/
.The server's authorized_keys file can store more than one public key, and each public key is listed on its own line. If the file contains more than one public key, then the owner of each key listed will be able to log in through ssh to the server.
The system admin can run this command to install your public key on the remote server youre trying to connect to :
ssh-copy-id -f -i ubuntu@x.x.x.x
Known-hosts file
SSH sever authentification is done using the fingerprint. A fingerprint is a hash function of the public key.
Fingerprints are used in order to verify the server’s identity based on his hashed public key and also to verify that the client’s private key matches the client’s public key on the server which means that the client is connected to the right server that already have the client’s public key installed.
Well, you may be wondering. How does all of these work ?
The first time a user connects to the remote SSH server, he’ll be presented with the server’s fingerprint. To verify, the user can contact the system admin that can dictate to him the record of the fingerprint. If they match, the user can then store that fingerprint in the known-hosts
file for future login sessions.Once a fingerprint is saved, the client can automatically look up that fingerprint every time it connects to the server. If a match is made, the client will know it's connecting to a server it had already connected to before.
It’s therefore very important to make sure all fingerprints the client saves have already been manually verified. If you accept a fingerprint without verifying, especially if you’re connecting to a remote server, you might end up storing a fingerprint of a malicious server.
How to obtain the server’s fingerprint if you’re a system admin ?
The quickest way to obtain it would be to login to your SSH server from a locally installed client application, i.e. installed on the same machine as your server. That way, you can be absolutely sure you’re safe from man-in-the-middle attacks. Connect using SSH and then save the displayed fingerprint where you can easily access it.
You can also use this tool :
ssh-keygen -lf /path/to/public_key/
Being a visual learner myself, here is an image of an overview of the SSH Authentification Process :
In order to go further , There are some cases when we may lost our private key. To know what should we do in such a case, check the link.
It’s worth noting that a key pair (the private and public keys) will have the same fingerprint; so in the case you can’t remember which private key belong to which public key, find the match by comparing their fingerprints or by running commands such as :
ssh-keygen -y -e -f <private key>
Which will generate the corresponding public key.
Setting Up SSH
Now, i’ll be moving to configuration commands required to access the remote server as described in the previous image.
Step 1 : Generate the client’s keyPairs
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C ""
The client’s public and private key will be stored in ssh/
and ssh/id_rsa
Step 2 : The admin system should copy the client’s public key to the remote server in
.ssh/authorized_keys file
ssh-copy-id -f -i ubuntu@x.x.x.x
Step 3 : The client can then connect to the remote server
ssh ubuntu@x.x.x.x
You can also create a config file .ssh/config
where you define credentials to the remote server :
Host remote-server
Hostname x.x.x.x
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Note that ~/.ssh/id_rsa
is the private key that corresponds to the user’s public key on the server.